Why is it that most days we lack the energy or the motivation to enjoy this beautiful life we get to live only once? Most of us have enough food to eat, enough fuel for our mental stimulation, enough clothes to wear, enough fitness centers to exercise in, enough of everything we need to live a basic normal life, no? Why then do we love to complain upon waking up and become wholly consumed by apathy? What is it inside us that enslaves us and suppresses our enthusiasm and vitality, makes us submit to laziness, lethargy, and ultimately sickness?
We have lost connection with nature.
I don't have to refer to scientific studies to know that people who live and work surrounded by nature; villagers, farmers, etc... are mentally and physicall healthier, live quality lives, and as they grow older, they acquire unique wisdom to fearlessly accept their own mortality.
Being in nature, understanding our connectedness with her, will inspire us to not fear and will give us the fuel for energy, to go on living, creating, and loving.
We work at our jobs that we hate and with fire under our butts we wait for a vacation. We dream of nature's phenomenal creations; a vast blue ocean, a beautiful mountain or a spectacular sunset. But no matter how many times we take that long awaited vacation to the paradise islands and no matter how many times we take a boat tour to swim with the dolphins, we are going to come back to our same old lives full of complaints and fear.
We don't have to wait for a vacation to rest our eyes and minds. We can be in vacation mode at all times. Will it be too hard to look away from the phone at the red light stop and see the distant mountains, or the blue sky, or those trees we ignore daily as we walk to our lunch break?
If we look at moutains, I mean really look at them, we'll see that they do not have or know of such thing as fear - hence their magnificence and grandeur. If we recognize our inseparability with nature, spend time in her embrace, give her our attention, then we'll know of our innate courage lurking inside us at all times.
But for inexplicable childish reasons we fail to recognize nature in our own likeness and never ask the imperative, the most urgent question of all: where the hell is the part of that beautiful mountain that lacks energy, or complains about lower back pain, and fears a time when it will no longer be alive? What! Are we assuming that nature is a lifeless and an inorganic “thing” with no feelings and has an intelligence deficiency? Isn’t it nature that carries out a trillion or more unimaginably multiplex of creative processes in a fraction of a second? Where is the part in nature that separates us from that whole process?
There is no such separation. We are all part of the same intelligent process and we don't have to fear being alive.
[Below Mount Արագած [aɾaˈgats] in Armenia]
