To not drown in the tempestuous storms of your mind, you must understand that the storm is your own creation. This is an essential first step so that you can take responsibility for your life.
You must find out what is weighing you down, obstructing your vision, putting a halt on your innately unimpeded life.
It’s all in you; all the bullshit is intertwined and skulking in the dark labyrinths of your mind.
Get angry, yes!…not at the world though but at your own ignorance.
Punch and kick and cut that ignorance to pieces. Take that super flashlight that is your focused mind, and look at these shadowy, ugly, toothless, monstrous stinky creatures that you yourself have created. Get to know each one of them, get in their heads, see what they eat, what they read, what they drink, how they think, what they think.
When you’re done completely knowing them, exterminate them one by one. Then repeat the whole thing again, and keep repeating until you see that they have no more substance. They never did.
