When you badmouth your previous dentist in front of the new one, the new one kindly ignores you because dentists are supportive of their colleagues as they should be. Same is true with all other things; musicians stand in solidarity with each other for a cause, artist do the same, scientists have each other's backs, what else? I don’t know…I guess the only anomaly in this specific pattern, the pattern I am pointing towards, is being a soldier.
If you're a soldier, stand in solidarity with every other soldier in the world for a cause of not your own or your country's but for all human beings. Let those big mouth chicken hawk politicians, with an IQ of 0, talk emptily. Let their words of racism and all the false patriotic oratory be a mere fart in the wind because they really are. Without the backing of an army - YOU, they are nothing.
So here is my statement:
If you're a soldier, put your gun down my brother, my sister. If every one of you were to put their guns down in solidarity with the other soldiers of the world for the sanity and peace of mind of all human species then we'd survive the overgrowth of the weedy rich, selfish businessmen with their political loudmouth puppets - politicians. We'll overpower them without the use of power of muscle or a weapon.
Soldier, put your gun down. Throw it away. Don’t even keep it for recreational use. When the need to shoot arises go sing a night song to your child, look into your grandparents’ eyes as they tell you a story, tell a joke to your worried parents, make love to your wife - the mother of your miraculous children - the future of this planet, I don’t know what else…go compliment the neighbors expensive shiny rims for all I care…Just don’t shoot. :)
Put it down. There is nothing to fear. Trust me. Fear is the childish fairy tale that has been intravenously fed to you since the first day you were born. Put your gun down and pick up a pen. Write. Read. Think. Understand. Once you understand fear you won’t need the gun anymore.
I hope you do put the time and understand fear and its fictitious nature.
No fear soldier.
Love you.
