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Writer's picture: Art GrigorianArt Grigorian

Pegasus has lost his wings. Perseus is calling Zeus on his cell phone to see what the hell is going on, why did Pegasus’ wings suddenly vanish. Perseus is in a hurry. He has to get to a woman. Zeus isn’t available. Perseus is now thinking his father is probably busy seducing some mortal woman. He believes his own thought and that bring up a slight agitation in his emotional body. In that one moment, he starts getting into the past in his own head. Anger turns into resentment. He believes he is being treated less favorably by his father than his brother Apollo. Is it because he is a bastard, or a half-god he thinks? Then he believes he could have been a full-god too. Why did life treat him so unfairly he keeps on thinking? Then he starts feeling sorry about his mortal mother who Zeus seduced. As Perseus gets creative with his colorful thoughts in his head, it turns out Zeus is with Metis, his first wife. They are tending to a serious matter. They went to see Zeus’ father Cronus who has swallowed all of his brothers and sisters. Together with Metis they are trying to convince Cronus to throw up the children. They are thinking of secretly giving him a potion in a drink so that Cronus throws up the kids. All the while Pegasus is steaming up internally thinking if it wasn’t for this idiot half-human, he’d be a full-horse flying around the skies, chasing in season mares. But now he is a half-horse because his wings are gone. Deluding himself into believing that horses actually have wings, Pegasus fears he might have some degenerative incurable disease. He gets stressed out and drops dead. Zeus doesn’t have cell reception where he is headed. This whole thing gets out of control. Andromeda gets eaten by an ugly sea monster. Perseus doesn’t get to save her. He feels guilty and half-godly rest of his life. So now we have one less star constellation in the sky. Back in the human world, a wealthy old dilettante is trying hard to seduce a pretty young women: he is looking into the sky beyond the occurring fireworks to find the Andromeda constellation but it is nowhere to be found. He keeps searching and searching but the young woman’s attention span can only handle so much. She becomes uninterested in him and yawns. Secretly she has a craving for a milk shake but does not tell him. He feels insecure that he is probably too old and not handsome anymore. He gets a stroke and dies that night on the way to the hospital. She finds another guy and they go get milk shakes...they couln’t care less about star constellations...

...The game goes on.

The delusional dreamworld of gods, humans, horses, insecure old literary dilettantes, romantic dreamy women, ugly monsters and unattainable cell phone receptions will keep going on and on as long as there is a deluded dreamer - the "you". The "you" that you think you are is the very fire that brings a universe into a manifestation. Without the "you" that you think you are, there is no universe. So let’s keep believing in “ourselves” firmly, rigidly, strongly so that this whole thing, this existence, this push and pull can keep going on and on and on... on a loop - where nothing ever changes, but everything is completely different.


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