Real discovery is not the going on a journey and seeking new and interesting things that together will make up a whole. Real discovery is seeing the whole in a single little thing. For this, we don't need a journey - all we need is new and clear eyes.
In an orchestral composition, a cello part looked at and listened to at a superficial level is merely a bass part accompanying and completing the whole music. But listened and looked at beyond the level of superficiality, the few notes of the cello are already the sublime whole
A cello player who sees this, shatters and transforms how we have known and heard music and bravely shows how music really is right now. That is a real hero; a hero in my book is one who has the courage to see life as it really is and not as the preconceived and decayed formation of the past story that he has been told by preconceived and decayed minds.
A single note played by a hero is a melody.
