He moves through each day
with indescribable freshness.
He embodies the spirit of the fire,
the water, the earth, and of the air.
Art, music, and literature
amalgamate inside his mind
and Emerge through his skin,
his eyes, his hands and his feet.
He is a living forest
full of poems and songs,
He is the glory of all expression.
That’s what he is to me.
He loves the sun, the sea,
the earth, and the moon,
He loves people, and he gives to those
who reach out their hand.
He gives fully, he gives completely.
When he gives, he gives himself!
The moment he walks into a room;
With his mighty countenance,
he humbles and mocks
the envious and the proud.
With his expressive eyes,
larger than life laughter,
he inspires and empowers those
who are sincere, and kind.
Without mere words,
he convinces by his presence alone,
Presence under the spell of which
I still feel like a voiceless child.
He is our Zeus, our Odin, our Neptune.
He is our Mihr.
He is our beloved father
and what a father we get to love!
