Somehow us humans live to be a hundred years old but we are always running out of time, and yet a butterfly lives for a day but has enough time. This is what I feel in nature. I feel I have enough time. Every time I am in nature, I experience a mind-blowing clarity in this one moment when all is so beautiful and so powerful that I have no choice but to release the illusion of control in my life. I surrender it all to the holy nurturing grip of nature.
These are the perfect moments that I feel one with the whole and I directly know this whole thing is a dream. I know it - bear with me - I know it so resolutely and exclusively, like a vampire resolutely knows that it exclusively thirsts for blood.
Where does then the feeling of separation come from, this feeling of fear, fear of losing, fear of not having enough, fear of not existing anymore? It’s simple. We forget who we are deep down. We lose our heads. We get lost in the labyrinths of the enticing trivialities of life; in the adrenaline rush of pressing onto our gas pedal when we’re desperately trying to get to that next thing. That is when we separate ourselves from the whole ocean of life.
It’s precisely that moment of losing ourselves, that moment of separation, the moment of inattention that clouds our minds, separates us from this wholeness. It brings us face to face with a very persuasive reality which insists and assures us that we are separate beings struggling to live our lives by shoving each other and snatching, and this whole reality seems so very solid and so very real, but hey! … it ain’t. It ain’t real. It’s merely a dream. A beautiful, an extraordinary dream; a rocking ocean of being. Once we wake up to the truth of who we are, that rocking of this ocean will be extremely relaxing and we will always have enough time.
Nabokov said, “The breaking of a wave cannot explain the whole sea.”
