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Writer's pictureArt Grigorian

Inner Poverty

There was this hope that the hippie generation that was into more transcendental practices like meditation and yoga would spawn a generation of children who would continue the inner work of their parents, which would help raise the overall consciousness of humanity, and in turn the world would become a better place; science would fundamentally change, doctors would act like human beings rather than patronizing robotic agents of a shallow bureaucratic system; the way we conduct business would change, the taste in music and art would change, the food we eat would change…

Yoga did spread its wings into the households of millions of people, but the people responsible for that were not the kiddos of the hippies but the opportunist businessmen who quickly saw the potential of yoga becoming a billion dollar industry.

The world did not change towards being kinder or more conscious. It just enlarged itself to include millions of more yoga practitioners who just wanted to have slim bodies. Yoga became even more materialistic in its essence.

The imbalance of any system is visible to those who have the eyes to see. Within a billion dollar market where the real torch bearers are the great master teachers with immense awareness of subtler layers of life, can't even make a decent living, whereas the two week teacher trainee guys and girls with business minds and attractive musculature in the gluteus maximus area not only can make a decent living, but they can have a youtube channel, do retreats, live abroad and buy mansions in paradise islands - all this with their superficial knowledge of sanskrit, shitty gymnastic skills, and clever talk about kindness and compassion.

Good teachers took a back seat in the industry and are quickly becoming obsolete in this fast growing bazaar. We failed and still fail to see and touch life at subtler levels because we got lured into latching on to the wrong torch bearers like science, religion, and pseudo yoga teachers.

We remained internally poorer than we were before and our inner poverty is mainly responsible for the outer poverty of the current world. This is why we are all responsible for the starving children of the world.

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