Practicing the regularity of letting go of things in life, allowing them to vanish, may turn out to be good for us after all. That may sound depressing and discouraging to some who have done a lot of hard work to get something in return, but in actuality it’s quite a liberating fact of life - to have the ability to let go! Things end. Every things goes and the more we can allow the inevitable vanishing of the impermanent, the more the permanent will reveal itself. That’s the ultimate goal of any spiritual practice, the goal of life, if there is a goal at all - to see the unseen.
Let’s look at our breath. Just like our inhalation, we let go without thinking about it - we exhale. We never want to hold on to our inhalation once we take a deep breath, do we? We may try to hold our inhalation, but soon we’ll have to release it. We let it go with an exhalation, we let it fade out and end.
Isn’t all else in life just like an inhalation - a creation, a manifestation? But somehow we become attached to things and forget that there must be an exhalation, a letting go. It's like having to inhale a bunch of times without exhaling. We'll explode. We have to exhale and let go. Whether there will be another inhalation, we don’t know. Therefore by becoming aware of each breath, we appreciate and love life every second in its manifestation. We become nicer to each other because our partners or friends that we take for granted may not be with us the next moment. Therefore we learn to appreciate life in different way.
When we regularly let go of our inhalations, in other words we exhale, something that is not a thing is revealed - an underlying field of permanence.
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” ~ Corinthians 4:18
