I read once that the price of truth is everything, but no one knows what everything means until they’re paying it. And when I read that, I laughingly cried because I knew through and through to my bone marrow what that meant.
It’s very easy and hip to talk truth. But it’s also very easy to miss the point; to confuse truth with self-righteousness.
We don’t have to be a wired up, ignorant fox news broadcaster to badmouth somebody who embodies truth. We can totally be a comfortably sleeping liberal who likes kind words, Michelle Obama, and warm vegan cacao drinks, and still be in a movie theater watching a film about truth thinking we are not, because as long as truth doesn’t bother our cottony slumber and interrupt our biweekly scalp massage trips with our doggies, we are all for truth. But god forbid truth slams our peaceful, positive energy giving, compassion spreading way of life, we will turn into a toxic ball of fire and will ignore truth like a wife ignores her repulsive husband suffering from male chauvinism.
We can't fight truth. Truth burns everyone’s ass. No one’s immune to it be it liberal, republican, born again christian, racist, vegetarian or activist alike, genius scientist, rich or poor, an atheist astro-physicist, or a benevolent grandfather.
It's in fashion nowadays to talk of challenges that life presents us with through which we supposedly come out transformed. Then in no time another challenge comes, and another, and another and so on so forth, and we come to realize that there was no transformation at all. It was a lie, a deceit, a self-deceit.
What if the moment we were faced with a challenge that had the potential to change our lives for good, we stopped and did not turn away from it to seek comfort in the embrace of our normal daily routines? Perhaps then we'd come to realize that the unending restlessness we felt all of our lives, annoying the hell out of us like the noise of the perpetual stomping neighbor, was truth tickling our butts and when truth tickles that means something in us is false. Then we would know not to scratch it but watch it.
