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Dear Art, we think you are the most phenomenal teacher—every class is something new and different —yet builds on the classes before. We have both grown so much stronger and more flexible—and the mental part of the practice has helped us survive in these surreal times.


You are a wonderful teacher—I especially love when you give tips like to" keep your whole body engaged” or "release our shoulders and feel the energy go up through the crown of our heads"—all those tips help us move deeper into the practice….


We just completed our 100th class of the year! Feeling so good——and I love how the “better” one gets at the poses the harder they actually become—it just gets deeper…


So thank you!


Suzanne Goin and David Lentz


Inspiring, strength-building, and fun is Art Grigorian's in-studio flow class. I don't know if it's the creative program of poses he composes or the wisdom he dispenses. Maybe it's the fantastic music he plays to energize us into movement or draw us deeper into rest and contemplation. What I am absolutely certain of is that an Art Grigorian class i not to be missed. 


David Over

Masterful instruction based on a true understanding of yoga and its effects on both mind and body. Only downside, after attending Art Grigorian's class, you'll have less tolerance for all the terrible teachers that dominate the LA landscape.


John Rozelle 

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